I felt like a real celebrity when the guy at Costco recognized me in regular clothes! I've been there a couple of times in costume and he likes to get pics. This time I handed him a business card! Pretty awesome to generate excitement out of costume.
Soooo the convention is only a few weeks away and I'm 90% settled on the song I'm going to sing... Every Baby Needs a Da-Da-Daddy! I love the jazzy sound to it and I think it highlights my range. I'm hoping it's going to be a more unique choice but not so obscure that the audience won't recognize it.
I tried on my new gold dress and it's a bit of a squeeze, but it will work for the convention! Whewwww! I still need to exercise and eat well for the weeks leading up to its debut, but so far I'm pleased with my progress and I'm forgiving of my slip ups.
One thing I kind of forgot to do until the day after it was due was my ad for the convention program!! Luckily I was able to get an extension and I stayed up pretty late working on this quarter page ad... what do you think? It's going to be small so I wanted to make sure it was clear and concise but also attention grabbing. I was impressed by the examples I saw from last year's program!

I made a new impersonator friend on Facebook who kindly told me about all the venues he's performed at in my state! I screenshot the comment so I can follow up with these places later when I've developed my act. He wants to perform with me one day!
Renaissance Resort Westgate in Phoenix (Glendale)
Good Life RV Resort
Montecito in Peoria
St. Anthony's Catholic Schools of Casa Grande (maybe that one won't work as well for me...)
Marriott Resort Camelback in Scottsdale
NASCAR ISM Raceway in Avondale
I'm going to be getting a lot more ideas on how to promote myself and steps to take to grow my biz while at the convention. Super excited for the future! Thanks for following along! <3